41: Marposa II

2 years ago

Highwayman had a debriefing with the President of Chile, and had a complicated teté-a-teté with El Poeta. Jonh Doe has introduced Berzerkir to life in Santiago, and to the wonders of public transportation and the inventiveness of a besieged economy. It is time for Berzerkir's homewarming party, and we are looking forward to see Ikoma Tomnya and Nate there.

CW: Alcohol, mental illness and the intricate dynamics of tabletop roleplaying groups


Revolution By whatfunk

Outros: Pigeons And Doves By NewHOfTechnology Savfk - Venticinque Aprile [Bella Ciao orchestral cover]

Music Credits:

Power Rave By whatfunk Enjoying the Sunrise on Board of a Sinking Yacht By whatfunk Tiger Bop By whatfunk Purple Vision By whatfunk Dark Fantasy Studio - A fool and his mind Dark Fantasy Studio - Goodbye my friend Three Chain Links - Feverish

Thank you for listening!

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