74: Raia IV

1 year ago

As our heroes overstay their welcome, their con threatens to be discovered by the two landowning families. It is time to make the finishing moves of their plan and leave Spain before the marks realize it.

CW: violences, Fascists, disco, skeletons, food

Intro: Revolution By whatfunk

Outro: Pidgeons and Doves by whatfunk

Other Music: Silereth - Ancient memories Komiku - The road we use to travel when we were kids~ Jahzzar - Roads that burned our boots Holy Water Industies - In Soggy Footprints AKMV-18 - Chevalerie Serge Quadrado - Pursuit Eaters - Um Bongo Myuu - Fernweh Komiku - Disco Cat whatfunk - Sophisticated Discussion with the Boys whatfunk - Relax

Thank you for listening!

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