60: Education VIII

1 year ago

Voidwalker trains and applies for the position of pitcher of the Baseball Club at the Golden Horizon Conservatory. The Game of Moms reaches its conclusion just in time for the House of the Bat. Alyssa introduces us to Princess. The gang finds another clue about the missing teens and contacts the school newspaper in the most unusual way.

CW: suburbian violence, mom wars, leftist infighting, political assassination

Intro: Revolution By whatfunk


left23 - united front

Other: Darren Curtis - The Town That Time Forgot kopfkino - Green Hill Zone (coffee Time cover) "Thunder Reverie" by Naoya Sakamata Savfk - Instructions for Living a Life Darren Curtis - Keys to Success DEgITx - Digital Hell Wankers United - Turbo Giant Multifaros - Mysterious Mate

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