67: Sjǫfn I

1 year ago

cw: manipulation, threats, Henry Kissinger, seatravel

A new adventure begins as our heroes travel to Sankto Bartolomeus to the Conference of the Americas, which is actually the cover-up for the super powers to act as kingmakers for the successors of this tiny monarchy that has inherited vast scientific and mysthic knowledge. Highwayman and Jonh Doe are confronted about their past.

Intro: Revolution By whatfunk

Outros: What Could Have Been By Myuu "Groundings with My Brothers" - Walter Rodney

Other: Cyberleaf - In A Land Far Far Away Kirk Osamayo - Missing Link Scott Buckley - Icarus Dark Fantasy Studio - Between life and death Dark Fantasy Studio - Good night Savfk - The Principle of Inner Necessity Savfk - Deep

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